The 9th International Sports Salon is held. Guest Speaker, Mr. Pongpanu Svetarundra was Awarded an Honorary Doctorate.


On November 24, 2022, the “International Sports Salon,” was held at the Hiroshima International Conference Center. The “Salon” invites prominent figures from the world of sports to promote internationalization and urban development of Hiroshima through sports.
This year’s “Salon” was held for the first time in three years due to the Coronavirus pandemic, and it featured the former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and current Honorary Advisor to the Minister of Sport Authority of Thailand, Mr. Pongpanu Svetarundra.

Prior to the lecture, an Honorary Doctorate from Hiroshima University of Economics was presented to the Guest Speaker, Mr. Pongpanu Svetarundra, in recognition for his significant contributions to the development of the international community through the promotion of sports

The title of the lecture was, “The Potential and Future of Thai Sports.”
In his lecture, Mr. Svetarundra, talked about how he laid the foundations of Thailand’s sports administration, which is active today in interdisciplinary sports, and about the background of his implementation of "sports-rism" which combines sports and tourism.
Following this, a lecture was presented by Mr. Saritkul Jamsomboon, President of Spin Works involved with Event Advertising and a former member of the executive management of Dentsu Thailand.

Mr. Jamsomboon lectured on his past experiences in managing the Thai Soccer League and other sports events. He also talked about the structure of youth development that will have an important impact on the future development Thai sports

At the end of the lecture, a special guest of the “Salon” was introduced by the two speakers. He was a prominent Thai businessman, Mr. Wichai Tongtang, who was passionately involved in the development of Thai sports.
In attendance were approximately 120 guests that included people involved in sports, finance, members of the media, and students and graduates of the university.